Articles tagged as “performance”

How I speeded up my browsing experience by a really nice margin

From time to time I like to optimize a bit my Windows machine, yet mostly all I do is fine tunning, nothing really spectacular. This time while I was browsing the net and thinking about one of my old nags (browser performance loading several tabs, to more exact: Firefox loading up 20+ tabs) I realized something really s ...

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On Ruby 2.0 memory usage, Unicorn and Heroku

On UNIX-like operating systems (e.g. Linux) there's the concept of process forking via the fork() system call. When one calls fork from a parent-process it will spawn a new child-process - that is a copy of its parent, then both processes return from fork. The child-process has an exact copy of the parent's memory in ...

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Improve Rails performance by adding a few gems

Working with Rails for some time you start nitpicking on how to improve it. This is a first in the series of articles regarding on how to improve (even marginally) Rails's performance.

I'll focus on a bunch of gems that speed up, in some cases considerably, small parts of Rails, like the html escaping, the String#bla ...

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How to reduce the size of your VMs

As the host OS I use Windows 8 (just upgraded to 8.1), well why ? one might ask.Is rather simple: Steam and after some dreadful searching and configuring tools I managed to install the basics for writing and deploying code: Vim, Git, PuTTy and a decent console replacement like Console2 [0].

Of course those aren't eno ...

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Is Rubinius 2.2.3 production ready ?

Ruby 2.1 was released this Christmas, great news everyone! It sports a better GC (RGenGC - gerational GC), hierarchical method caching, some small syntax changes and non-experimental rafinements. All in all one can expect 5% to 15% performance increase which is quite awesome.

As I was reading the comments in the hack ...

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Chunked transfer encoding in Rails (streaming)

Anyone that has written a little PHP knows what the flush() family of functions do. The ideal usage scenario for using chunked transfer[0] is when we have something costly to render e.g. the first three most recent articles on a blog. Why ? one might ask.

Is rather simple: in a normal request where the server respo ...

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Making Rails asset pipeline faster

We all know that for a rather large Rails app where the front-end is quite stuffed, the asset pre-compilation and more importantly - development mode changes are far from instantaneous.

The front-end we're referring to is the kind that makes heavy use of sass, sass libraries (Compass, Bourbon, etc.) and transpiled Ja ...

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JRuby, RVM and Vim walk into a (performance) bar

I'm not sure why RVM is still my default Ruby version manager yet the issue at hand should be reproducible on rbenv too.

Let's add a bit of context to this: we have an API written in Ruby and running on JRuby i.e. via JVM which implies slow start-up times compared to CRuby (yes, even with export JRUBY_OPTS='--dev' ...

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Moving from iTerm2 to Kitty for simplicity and performance

I love iTerm2, but it can be sluggish sometimes on my old late 2016 MacBook Pro. Plus, many of its features I never use. I had tried Alacritty before, but making it look and act like iTerm2 was a no-go. This time, I tried Kitty, and within two hours of work, it looked and behaved just like my iTerm2 configuration. This ...

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