Articles tagged as “rails”

Improve Rails performance by adding a few gems

Working with Rails for some time you start nitpicking on how to improve it. This is a first in the series of articles regarding on how to improve (even marginally) Rails's performance.

I'll focus on a bunch of gems that speed up, in some cases considerably, small parts of Rails, like the html escaping, the String#bla ...

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Is Rubinius 2.2.3 production ready ?

Ruby 2.1 was released this Christmas, great news everyone! It sports a better GC (RGenGC - gerational GC), hierarchical method caching, some small syntax changes and non-experimental rafinements. All in all one can expect 5% to 15% performance increase which is quite awesome.

As I was reading the comments in the hack ...

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Building a small blog cms in rails

Yes, building a blog cms in rails is apparently very simple, well to be true it’s simple if you want something really limited like a post model, a couple of static pages, controllers and one for the contact form and you’re settled. Actually for something like this one can use [Sinatra]( "Sinatra ...

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Chunked transfer encoding in Rails (streaming)

Anyone that has written a little PHP knows what the flush() family of functions do. The ideal usage scenario for using chunked transfer[0] is when we have something costly to render e.g. the first three most recent articles on a blog. Why ? one might ask.

Is rather simple: in a normal request where the server respo ...

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Shedding some light into UUID version 4 in Ruby and Rails

Ruby's standard library and Rails's PostgreSQL adapter use by default version 4 UUIDs. This can be changed in Rails migrations via:

default: 'uuid_generate_v1()'

param whereas Ruby's stdlib only supports version 4.

Another interesting difference is in the implementations:

In the Ruby's s ...
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Making Rails asset pipeline faster

We all know that for a rather large Rails app where the front-end is quite stuffed, the asset pre-compilation and more importantly - development mode changes are far from instantaneous.

The front-end we're referring to is the kind that makes heavy use of sass, sass libraries (Compass, Bourbon, etc.) and transpiled Ja ...

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Interesting links - Is logging a "code smell" ?

I was reading this article it raises quite an unexpected question - "Can we consider logging as a code smell"?

Clearly - the answer is more nuanced than that and whilst I do enjoy the event bus approach from the article - that seems like overkill for m ...

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